Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Stuff I've Been Working On

I feel like I've been away for a looooong time!  The good news is that I have been very busy baking my tush off.  Here are some of the things I've been working on!

Sugar cookies decorated as sugar skulls!  I totally <3 them!

Phillies and Philly Phanatic cupcakes and cookies
(I hope they weren't the cause of our terrible luck)

EAGLES Cupcakes!

A Friend's B-day Cake

Stay tuned for more Halloween themed desserts!


  1. Love, love, love all of them! Especially the Phillies cupcakes! And I can personally vouch that they taste as good as they look!

  2. What is the possibility of buying some of those skull cookies by Sunday?? Please let me know. My cell is 267-221-9812

    Tonya McCabe

  3. You 100% copied one of those sugar skull designs EXACTLY from one of my cookies, which was something I originally created and drew out on my own back in 2001! Yet you are taking credit for all of them. The least you could do is credit those you copied and/or were inspired from. You even did the exact design you copied from me with a black edible food pen, just as I did. The only thing keeping me from going after you with a violation is that you did a completely shitty replication of my work. Then again, if you truly had any talent you wouldn't be copying anyone else's work to begin with. Talentless cunt.
